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Battalion 45 Shooting Range Arena
Battalion 45 An Airsoft Shooting Arena



Electric target are available on 10 M & 20 M range.

We have a lot of Range:

- 20M Shooting Range

- 10 M Shooting Range

- Speed Shooting Arena

- Time Attack Arena

Battalion 45 Chase the Thrill of Sharpshooting

We have a wide selection of airsoft gun and a great range of spaces where you can learn the correct shooting with a good price.

Battalion 45 Try Various Airsoft Gun Brand Names

We have a wide selection of weapons. Choose more than 30 different weapons.


a Big Safety Area with Great Counter

Battalion 45 Suitable for Solo or Multiplayer Play

Offering many programs for both beginners and experienced shooters.

Battalion 45 Try Different Game Modes
Battalion 45 Large Selection of Airsoft Gun.png
Battalion 45 Choose Your Weapon
Battalion 45 Airsoft Gun APS-3


Battalion 45 Airsoft Gun P-90 TR

P-90 TR

Battalion 45 Airsoft Gun AR-15 TTI Type (John Wick Model)

AR-15 TTI Type

(John Wick Model)

Battalion 45 Dont You Want More
Our Addres:
〒660-0882 Hyogo, Amagasaki, Showaminamidori,

6-chome−150-1 New American Plaza 3rd bld 2n Floor

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Easy acces from Hanshin Amagasaki St or from Hanshin Deyashiki St.

You can also acces by car from

National Road No. 2 or No. 43

There are coin parking near from our range so you can easily bring your armor.

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